Or Create new account Not now Community See All 186 people like this 187 people follow this About See All 52 241 102 1159 Contact Chopper Man on Messenger Just For Fun Page transparency See more A 46yearold man from Bhiwandi in Thane district was arrested on Monday for allegedly hacking to death his wife in a market a day earlier, police said Anand Rambhau Waghmare and his wife Meena (40) would quarrel often and after one such argument on Sunday at around 530pm, he attacked her with a chopper in the market near Varala Devi temple and killedSome stickers may only be usable for a limited time or only available for certain devices or regions

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On Friday, Y Joe Alias Kutty, who on Wednesday recorded the video of the helicopter, said to be the illfated one, apparently moments before it crashed, attributed bad weather and poor visibility to the mishap Kutty, 52, is a wedding photographer from Coimbatore and had recorded the video on his mobile phone Police have arrested a 46yearold man for allegedly killing his 40yearold wife with a chopper after an argument with her in a market in Maharashtra's Thane on Sunday Later, the man tried to kill himself by jumping into a lake He was rescued by passersby and handed over to the police short by Deepika Bhatt / 0427 pm on DecChopper(チョッパー)は "trike"harley(トライク-3輪ハーレー)を専門とする バイク用品、オリジナルウエアー&オリジナルグッズの販売ショップです。 すべての車両は、綿密に計算された こだわりの"ハンドメイド"のカスタムです。世界に1台しかない"カスタムトライク" を製作して
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